Friday, April 26, 2013

Money making tips - Useful Apps

Everyone is after making money these days. Fast approach means fast cash in your hands. The mobile apps are the best way that can help you out how to make money. These mobile apps that are designed for Android and iPhone, give you some excellent tricks and ways to earn money.

There are many people who access apps. Why don't you get these apps which clarify all your doubts and help you in making extra money.

Money ! Bonus ! Extra income ! Fast cash ! 

How do these words sound? Great !

Interesting point in this is money makes our eyebrows go up and mind starts thinking in that direction. Who don't want more and extra money? I guess , there would be zero people who will answer "yes".

Some great and interesting apps that are specifically designed for Android, iPhone, iPad, Smartphone, etc which suggest you the ways to earn money.

  • Get Rich , Make Money , Wealth : Yes, this particular app is FREE now, before it was not. A complete guide to your financial freedom. This app will show you the importance of how to achieve that financial security which was very difficult for you to attain. All these years you were striving to pay the debts and loans. When this app is installed in your mobile, then you will come across that how much time you have wasted by just doing a 9 to 5 job and getting just little but you deserved much more than this. As the name suggests, it is Wealth Express.  To get this app, the download link is mentioned below. This app is available on Google play.

         Requirements   : Android 2.1 and up
         Size                    : 3.2 MB
         Download          : Wealth Express 

  • Beat Boss and Earn money: Feeling weird? All working people have their bosses and who loves the BOSS? Nobody. I am sure there may be times wherein you are in front of your boss and he is giving you a typical lecture and you really want to hit him. Can you do? No. Yeah. But you can imaging of any play where you can hit your boss and most importantly you gain money from it. There are two interesting points in getting this app on your mobile. Double your happiness now. Get this app installed. Sometimes your emotions of anger also have to be removed from your mind. This may cause stress and you land up in some situation where health is getting affected. After all mind controls body and if mind is affected somewhere body also gets affected. So to refresh yourself , get this app as soon as possible. Play and earn money is the main motto of this app.

         Requirements           : Android 2.2 and up
         Size                         : 42 M
         Download link         : Beat Boss and earn money

There will be more in this section. As from the list I found out only two here which may be the most useful ones. 

So get these apps which will pay you some extra money. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Latest News - "Facebook Home" app download crossed 5 Lakh

Wherever you go or whatever you listen now-a-days, there is "Facebook Home" uttered at least once by probability. An app , Ohhh... it is not just an app, but more than an app which has made more than 5 lakhs who have downloaded on their Androids till date.

An app that can be called as more than any other application that you use on your mobiles. Recently in an article by Anupam Saxena, Facebook Home crosses 500,000 downloads for NDTV Gadgets has mentioned that this particular app has been downloaded many times and that it has crossed 5 lakhs !!!!!!!!

Watch out for videos on " Facebook Home" .