Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Instantly find childcare-Anytime, Anywhere.."Call a Nursery" app

Working mothers will need to take care of their babies when they are out to work. There may be times that you are not working and still need a childcare for your baby. The baby needs 24 hours caring hand and support. 

If you want to instantly find a childcare for your baby then why not have an iPhone or iPad app which can instantly check the details of your location and find a perfect childcare or nursery for your baby when time is running out !!!

Try "Call a Nursery" iPhone or iPad app, instantly find someone to look after your kids - whenever you need it. 

Instead of searching in the telephone directory for a childcare number, try having an instant app that will be helpful.

Just in 2 clicks, you will get the details of the closest nursery according to your current location. 

"Call a Nursery" app is compatible with iPhone and iPad. 

Download this app from iTunes store: 

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