Tuesday, August 6, 2013

WeChat app - for Android, iOS, Blackerry and Windows phone

A messaging application, which is attracting more and more users and customers daily, "Wechat" app. This application is very useful app for almost all types of mobile users. Any mobile device you may be using, Wechat app is readily available on it. 

Before moving on to the app features and uses, lets first explore about the app. 

Something which we can get connected to with our friends via any mobile device free of cost, that is Wechat application. As the logo says, it is anytime , anywhere , anyone. That means can connect with the use of videos, text , chat, etc across any mobile device or platform. 

 There are some apps that are available for only Android or Blackberry . But this particular application is freely downloadable on any device. 

Before buying any product, we explore its features and uses. Lets find out what are the main features that makes anyone quickly download this wechat app. 

Features include: 

  • Free of cost 
  • Available on any mobile device ( iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone
  • Live chat : Now you can chat live with the online friends by clicking on "+" sign to add him/her for chat session 
  • Group chat QR code: Some may not be able to make out what actually is a QR code. Well for them , QR code is a matrix bar code (or two-dimensional code), readable by QR scanners, mobile phones with a camera, and smartphones.
  • Backup all chat history
  • Video Call : To talk to your friends face to face.
  • Moments: An option to share your photos with any of your friends, by using "@" sign before that particular friend name (just like we use in facebook)
  • Web We chat : chat with your friends online using web we chat option 
  • Emotions: Lot of chat emotion characters available for using while chatting
  • Group chat : Just like inviting 2 or 3 people for a conference call on phone, we can use this option to chat in group. 
  • Shake: With the use of this feature you can search for new friends around the globe just by shaking the phone. If you want to chat with new friends as making new friends is your passion and pass time, you can just shake your phone and the information of current updated list of friends will be shown. 
  • Look Around:  Find out who is near to you in your location using Wechat application.Get connected and start the conversation.
  • Drift Bottle: In this option, you can send any message and "throw" it in the ocean of wechat users. So it is called as "drift bottle". 
  • Facebook connect : Why your social media friends are not connected in Wechat app? Just let them also get connected on Wechat app and share the experience together. So you can connect your Facebook friends in Wechat app. 

 Other unknown features: 

  • Free to download: This application is totally free of cost and can be downloaded on any mobile device of your choice. 
  • No regional restriction : Connect to any friends of your choice whoever he or she is , wherever he or she may stay , may be on the other side of the globe, you can get them connected and chat. 
  • No display of your phone number : While using the application from iPhone or Android or Blackberry, you may think that will my personal mobile number be displayed on the other side person's mobile device? The answer to it is a big "NO", as this application doesn't share your mobile numbers to others. 

 So , what you are thinking for and waiting for? If you have iPhone, Blackberry, Windows phone, or any other device, just get "WeChat" application downloaded and enjoy the exciting features. 

As per the news article in " The mobile Indian" , WeChat app is now available for Blackberry OS 10 also. Find out more at the link provided. 


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